HomeModuleNetwork Module
ENC28J60 Network Module with SPI interface
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IEEE802.3 compatible Ethernet controller

Integrated MAC and 10base-tpy

Receiver and Conflict Suppression Circuit

Supports a 10 BASE-T port with automatic polarity detection and correction.

Supports full duplex and half duplex modes

Programmable automatic retransmission in case of conflict

Programmable padding and CRC generation

Programmable Automatic Rejection of Error Packets

SPI interface with maximum speed up to 10Mb/s

Two programmable LED outputs for connection, transmission, reception, collision and full/half duplex states

Use two interrupt pins and seven interrupt sources

25MHz clock

Clock output pin with programmable prescaler

The operating voltage range is 3.14V to 3.45V v.

TTL level input

Temperature range: -40-85 degrees (industrial grade), 0 -70 degrees (commercial grade) SSOP package

28-lead SPDIP, SSOP, SOIC, and QFN packages

Hardware-Supported IP Checksum Calculation

Hardware managed cyclic receive FIFO

The transmit/receive buffer size can be configured

8KB Dual Port SRAM for Sending/Receiving Packets

Internal DMA for Fast Data Transfer

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